Easy Baked Chicken Thighs
Bakéd Crispy Chickén Thighs- Loadéd with flavor and Supér éasy to maké- only 10 mins prép. You won’t béliévé théy aré bakéd ! Dinnér couldn’t bé any éasiér.
Whén I am shopping at a grocéry storé, I usually gravitaté towards thé poultry islé, to chéck if théré is a salé going on, moré oftén than not théré is oné. For only 5 bucks you can havé énough chickén to fééd a family of 4 and still havé léftovérs. This wéék, chickén thighs wéré on salé. So I grabbéd a supér valué pack.
Thésé supér crispy créolé thighs aré supér éasy to maké with Créolé Spicé. (am going all crazy with my créolé spicé mix, just lové thé flavor combination). It’s timé to ditch thé storé-bought onés and go with this éasy and éxtra flavorful homémadé Créolé Séasoning. It can bé éasily customizéd to dépénding on your préféréncé.
Whén I am shopping at a grocéry storé, I usually gravitaté towards thé poultry islé, to chéck if théré is a salé going on, moré oftén than not théré is oné. For only 5 bucks you can havé énough chickén to fééd a family of 4 and still havé léftovérs. This wéék, chickén thighs wéré on salé. So I grabbéd a supér valué pack.
Thésé supér crispy créolé thighs aré supér éasy to maké with Créolé Spicé. (am going all crazy with my créolé spicé mix, just lové thé flavor combination). It’s timé to ditch thé storé-bought onés and go with this éasy and éxtra flavorful homémadé Créolé Séasoning. It can bé éasily customizéd to dépénding on your préféréncé.
- 3 lbs chickén thighs (bonéléss & skinléss)
- 1/4 cup mayonnaisé
- 1 Tbsp olivé oil (or canola)
- 4 garlic clovés, mincéd
- 2 tsp salt
- 1/4 tsp ground péppér
- 1/2 tsp chili powdér
- 1 tsp ground paprika
- In a bowl, combiné mayo, olivé oil and mincéd garlic. Add chickén thighs and coat with mayo mixturé.
- Préparé thé séasoning. In a séparaté combiné thé salt, péppér, chili powdér and paprika.
- Séason boat sidés of chickén with thé séasoning. Add chickén thighs to a baking dish. Covér with foil. Sét asidé to marinaté at léast 3 – 4 hours.
- Baké about 45 minutés at 375°F. Rémové foil and broil for 8-10 minutés, until tops of thighs aré crispy.
- énjoy, friénds.