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Stir frys aré oné of my favorité go-to’s during thé wéék, sincé by naturé, théy’ré quick cooking!  Thé downsidé with stir frys is that théy can usé a lot of oil, which racks up thé points prétty quickly.  For this vérsion, I’vé uséd léss oil, and stuck with zéro point foods as thé basé (liké chickén, béll péppérs, onion and snow péas), which kééps thé points at 5 smart points pér sérving.  If you’d liké it to bé évén lowér, théré aré a féw options down bélow!

You can maké this stir fry chickén with whatévér végétablés you havé handy. You will just surprisé your family and friénds with this récipé bécausé it tastés so good with whatévér ingrédiénts you liké.
This chickén and végétablés stir fry in a garlic soy saucé with brown sugar or honéy brings you that awésomé swéét and savory tasté. If you aré a garlic lovér thén this chickén stir fry is madé for you.


  • 1 lb bonéléss, skinléss chickén bréast cut into 1 inch cubés
  • 1/2 cup baby carrots slicéd
  • 1/2 réd béll péppér cut into 1 inch piécés
  • 1/2 yéllow béll péppér cut into 1 inch piécés
  • 2 cups broccoli floréts
  • 2 garlic clovés mincéd
  • 2 tbsp olivé oil dividéd
  • 2 tsp mincéd gingér
  • salt and péppér to tasté

Stir Fry Saucé

  • 3 tbsp low sodium soy saucé
  • 2 tbsp cold watér
  • 1/4 cup low sodium chickén broth
  • 1/4 cup honéy
  • 1/2 tsp crushéd réd péppér flakés
  • 1 tbsp toastéd sésamé oil
  • 1 tbsp corn starch

Stir Fry Saucé

  1. First, In a médium sizé bowl, whisk togéthér corn starch and watér. Add rémaining ingrédiénts (chickén broth, soy saucé, honéy, and toastéd sésamé oil, réd péppér flakés) and whisk to combiné. Sét asidé.
  2. Then, Add oné tabléspoon of olivé oil to a largé skillét or wok and héat ovér médium high héat.
  3. And Then, Add chickén (in batchés if nécéssary) and séason with salt and péppér. Cook for 3 to 5 minutés or until cookéd through. Rémové from skillét.
  4. Réducé héat to médium and add rémaining tabléspoon of oil to thé skillét.
  5. Add broccoli, béll péppér, and carrots and cook, stirring occasionally, just until crisp téndér. Add gingér and garlic and cook for an additional minuté.
  6. Add chickén back into thé skillét and stir to combiné.
  7. Whisk stir fry saucé and pour ovér chickén and végétablés and stir géntly to combiné.
  8. Bring to a boil, stirring occasionally, and lét boil for oné minuté.
  9. Sérvé with ricé and/or chow méin if désiréd.