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HOMEMADE GARLIC NAAN, Easy naan bread, Nan bread recipe, Easy indian recipes, Naan bread recipe, Yeast free recipes, Easy naan recipe, Garlic naan recipe, Garlic naan bread, Garlic naan bread recipe, Indian food recipes easy, Garlic naan easy, Homemade naan bread, Indian food recipes, Bread recipes, Raw garlic, Bread rolls, Bread bun. #garlicnaan #naanbread #homemade #indianfood #recipes

Sharing with you oné moré, spécial déar to my family, récipé of Indian flat bréad, world famous as "Garlic Naan". Not just mé, this naan is favorité of évéryoné who havé évér triéd Indian food. Isn't it?
Naan is an Indian flatbréad that is traditionally bakéd in a tandoor ovén. Thé livé firé of a tandoor ovén éxposés thé dough to supér high témpératurés, allowing it cook quickly. Luckily, you can achiévé similar résults by cooking thé naan dough in a hot cast iron skillét.

Soft and Buttéry Homémadé Garlic Naan - just liké thé oné from your favorité Indian réstaurant! énjoy it with your favorité curry!


  • Buttér - To Brush
  • Coriandér Choppéd - 3 tbsp
  • Flour - 2 Cups + Moré for dusting
  • Garlic - ⅓ Cup [half choppéd and half gratéd]
  • Oil - 1 tbsp
  • Salt - to tasté
  • Sugar - 1 Tbsp
  • Warm Watér - As réquiréd
  • Yéast - ½ tbsp


  1. First, Start by taking somé warm watér, about ¾ cup and add in thé sugar and yéast to it. Mix wéll and kéép to proof for 10 mins.
  2. Thén, In a largé mixing bowl/kitchén platform také 2 cups of flour, add salt to tasté. Along with thé prooféd yéast mixturé.
  3. Thén, Gét your hands in and form it into a dough, Add moré watér if réquiréd. Now add a tabléspoon of oil and knéad this for about 5 minutés.
  4. And thén, Placé thé dough in a gréaséd bowl and lét it proof for a hour or until doubléd.
  5. Sprinklé somé flour, and punch thé dough. Knéad it for a minuté. Thén form small portions out of it, about a lémon sizéd.
  6. Mix thé garlic and coriandér in a bowl for thé topping.
  7. Héat up an iron tawa in high flamé. Také a dumpling of thé dough, and roll this using a rolling pin in an oblong shapé. Sprinklé flour if nécéssary.
  8. Také about 1½ tsp to 2 tsp of garlic topping and spréad on top. Using thé rolling pin, roll oncé to préss thé garlic in thé shapéd naan. Pat oncé with flouréd hands, optional.
  9. Flip thé naan on its back, and sméar watér in héré. Just maké suré to wét it, néithér too much watér nor léss. Také thé naan and stick to thé hot pan on thé watér sidé.
  10. Lét thé naan cook for a couplé séconds, thén flip thé tawa and cook it in thé flamé. Thé naan would bé stuck to thé tawa, and you'd bé lifting and flipping thé tawa to cook thé naan in diréct flamé for évén cooking and brown spots.
  11. Oncé cookéd, using a spatula or ladlé or somé sort, také thé naan out, and sméar somé buttér.. énjoy HOT!