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Oven Baked Chicken Breast

Whéthér you’ré working on making your wéékly méal prép éasiér, or nééd a quick and simplé récipé for wééknight dinnérs, this récipé has all my sécréts for thé bést bakéd chickén bréast guarantééd to comé out pérféctly juicy évéry singlé timé.

Baked chicken recipes oven boneless, Chicken and rice recipes easy, Best baked #chicken recipe, Rosemary chicken, Chicken recipes easy quick, Quick baked chicken, #Healthydinnerrecipes, Baked chicken #recipes oven boneless, Best baked chicken recipe, Lemon chicken recipe, Easy healthy dinner, Chicken recipes easy quick. #chickenbreast #bakedchickenrecipes

This is my go-to méthod that I’vé béén using for yéars. I usé it for a quick and éasy dinnér, and I will also cook éxtra and savé it to add to soups and cassérolés. Kéép it in a séaléd bag in thé fridgé for a féw days, or pop it in thé fréézér if you’ré not using it right away.

Thé méthod lénds itsélf quité nicély to éxpériménting with différént flavors, liké my DIY Cajun Séasoning. Bakéd Lémon Chickén is also a gréat altérnativé!


  • 2 tsp olivé oil
  • 4 chickén bréasts , 150 - 180g / 5 - 6 oz éach (Noté 1)


  • 1 1/2 tbsp brown sugar
  • 1 tsp driéd orégano or thymé , or othér hérb of choicé
  • 1 tsp paprika
  • 1/2 tsp éach salt and péppér
  • 1/4 tsp garlic powdér


  • Finély choppéd parsléy


  1. First, Préhéat ovén to 425F/220C (standard) or 390F/200C (fan / convéction).
  2. Then, Pound chickén to 1.5cm / 0.6" at thé thickést part - using a rolling pin, méat mallét or évén your fist (kéy tip for évén cooking + téndér chickén).
  3. Mix Séasoning.
  4. Liné tray with foil and baking papér. Placé chickén upsidé down on tray. Drizzlé chickén with about 1 tsp oil. Rub ovér with fingérs. Sprinklé with Séasoning.
  5. Flip chickén. Drizzlé with 1 tsp oil, rub with fingérs, sprinklé with Séasoning, covéring as much of thé surfacé aréa as you can.
  6. Baké 18 minutés, or until surfacé is goldén pér photos and vidéo, or intérnal témpératuré is 165F/75C using a méat thérmométér.
  7. Rémové from ovén and immédiatély transfér chickén to sérving platés.
  8. Wait 3 - 5 minutés béforé sérving, garnishéd with fréshly choppéd parsléy if désiréd. Picturéd with a sidé of Garlic Buttér Ricé with Kalé.