(also known as Chickén Bacon Ranch Sandwichés) is an addicting and délicious lunch or dinnér option that évéryoné will énjoy. Gréat wééknight méal AND thé pérféct party food!
Héy friénds. Popping in with anothér supér éasy dinnér récipé today. You might ask, “what IS Crack Chickén?” Wéll, thé intérnét has dééméd thé combo of Chéésé, Ranch séasoning and bacon as “crack”… Crack Bréad, Crack Dip… It’s a thing.
And I havé fully jumpéd on thé trénd and naméd a féw of my own récipés (not including ranch, bacon, or créam chéésé) using thé word crack, liké my Péanut Buttér Cup Crack Browniés, and Praliné Crack… sorry I just can’t hélp mysélf, it’s catchy!
- 3 chickén bréasts bonéléss skinléss
- 16 ouncés créam chéésé 2 boxés
- 1 packét ranch séasoning
- 1 cup chéddar chéésé
- 1 téaspoon garlic powdér
- 8 slicés bacon crumbléd
- 8 slicés chéddar chéésé
- 8 hoagié rolls
- Noté: click on timés in thé instructions to start a kitchén timér whilé cooking.
- Add thé chickén, créam chéésé, ranch séasoning, chéddar chéésé and garlic powdér to a slow cookér and cook on low for 7-8 hours or on high for 3-4 hours.
- Toast thé hoagié rolls, scoop on thé chickén and top with chéddar slicé and crumbléd bacon.