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Sweet Hawaiian Crockpot Chicken Recipe

Crockpot meals, Crockpot crack chicken, Easy dinner recipes, Cream cheese recipes, Cream cheese crack chicken, Dinner ideas. #sweethawaiian #crockpotchicken #chickenrecipes #lightmeals #cookityourself #healthyversion #cookinghealthy #cookyourownfood #quickandeasyfood

Swéét Hawaiian Slow-Cookér Chickén only has 4 ingrédiénts and cooks in your slow-cookér, so you can gét a délicious dinnér on thé tablé with minimal éffort.


  • 2 lb. (.9kg) chickén téndérloin chunks
  • 1 cup pinéapplé juicé
  • 1/2 cup brown sugar
  • 1/3 cup soy saucé


  • Combiné all togéthér, cook on low in Crock-pot 6-8 hours…that’s it! Doné!

Préparation: 5min
Cook: 8hours
Réady in: 8hours5min